If you are a salesperson and reading this, you surely know how difficult prospecting is. Prospecting is one of the “not-so-easy” tasks that you need to comply with months after months and yet not reach the desired target! Also, with the audience playing it hard-to-get, prospecting just got more complex.
According to a recent study by CSO Insights, 45% of prospects admitted they wanted to evaluate their needs and look for solutions themselves before contacting any salesperson.
A staggering 95% of B2B buyers research companies online before making purchases. And 53% of B2B buyers turn to social media to make buying decisions.
And with this being the statistics, here are the top 3 tips that will help you change the ball game altogether
Create a profile of potential prospects
the population is in billions, industries and companies in millions, so how do we know where to start from? Simple research! Research is the key. Spend some time every day and do your bit of research before you hit the ground at the Tradeshow Display in Orlando.
This way you, have a planned and structured database to work with. Instead of roaming and knocking at all available doors, find a fit that suits best. E.g. make a list of our best ten best customers? Ten worst? Ten most profitable client bases? Ten potential client base?
And keep them all handy. Begin by working on the top 10 customers first, followed by ten most profitable, next by top 10 potentials, and end it with the ten worst. The idea is to extract maximum output without letting go of any base. The aim is to tap the biggest fish in the sea!
Identify the best way to meet your prospect
now that you have segregated the customer base, the next step is to find the ideal or best way to reach them. While some would prefer a one to one meeting, others could demand a professional meeting with prior appointment and, some could also ask for your service offering to be sent via email, and they would get back to you if interested and one set could one to visit your office for discussion. There could be plenty of ways.
Find the One out of the many ways one is at the next tradeshow in Orlando. Tradeshows are some of the best spots to meet, interact and close leads. And if you are an organization looking forward to participating in the next tradeshow in Orlando, look no further and book your Tradeshow Exhibit in Orlando with us today.
Ask for referrals
yes, you heard it right! Ask your client base for referrals. Referrals are a great way to work on prospects and, often organizations and people from the same industry or related industry tend to know each other better. They could help you with a few names while the rest you need to work out. By asking for referrals, you not only save money on buying a database but also save on time and effort.
But does this mean all the referrals will work-out? Maybe, maybe not! So don’t be disappointed if it does not work out, instead ask them again for referrals! This way slowly yet steadily you shall reach the ladder and tap on your potential base sooner or later!